BIG NEWS FROM Battlestar Galactica

Posted by howardyroarky | Posted in | Posted on 11:12 PM


All of you battlestar galactica fans out there, listen to this news damn breaking news:

There have been rumors going around that there will be a full feature length Battlestar Galactica movie in the works! It’s unclear whether there has been any conclusion but it is said that battlestar galactica producers and Ron Howard are in talks with Universal Studies for the much awaited event of putting it in the big screen. How awesome is that. Every geek and nerd is now wetting their briefs with this cool news right now. Battlestar Galactica might just be the best science fiction television series in the entire history of … Star Trek.

Let’s take a moment to imagine the casting process for this much awaited movie. A lot of people are arguing whether the same actors should be playing or reprising their roles. Or will this be like those boring Star Trek movies where there is no presence of any real celebrity at all (apart from Patrick Stewart and William Shatner). I guess only the captain can have a good acting career after Star Trek. The rest of the cast goes down with the ship.

In any case, no one would ever dare change the casting for either William Adama or President Roslin. It’s inconceivable.

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